miercuri, 27 ianuarie 2016

Obama unveils wage insurance plan to spur job seekers

WASHINGTON - U.S. President Barack Obama on Saturday laid out a plan to help support the income of workers who lose their jobs and end up in lower paying positions, as part of a push to get unemployed Americans back to work. zometa zyvox zyprexa zometa zyvox zometa zometa zyrtec zometa zometa zyvox zyvox zyrtec zometa zometa zometa zyrtec zupar zometa zometa zometa zometa zyrtec zyban zyvox Media embracing digital TV with strings attached NASA adds commercial mini-shuttle to space station supply fleet OPEC sees oil market rebalancing in 2016, but Iran to counter non-OPEC decline Burkina Faso's long night of horror in killing spree by militants U.S. sailors held captive by Iran were held at gunpoint: U.S. military

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